About Us

We are ESKOM

Our primary activity is the production of Domestic frozen cakes and cookies, but in our production range there is a lot of related products. Some of them are put on the market as finished products, and some are incorporated into our other products. And in this way we control the high quality of our products, because we know from what they are made of. Our business is already in the tradition of success for a whole decade.

Since its creation until today, ESCOM has developed from a small plant located in 35 m², in which 7 workers worked, to the giant in these waters – the largest cake factory in the Balkans and the sixth largest in Europe. Today we operate on about 6000 m² of useful premises, with over 100 employees. Out of just 10 kinds of products, which were in our assortment at our beginnings, we arrived at over 60 species. From the productivity of 8 cakes per production worker, we have reached the productivity of 130 cakes by a production worker.

Our success is based on uniqueness, innovation, diversity of products, a certified healthcare product standard, and the most important, our responsibility toward consumers.

In addition to the products that can be found on the market under our trademark, we also produce brands for the most famous retail chains. If in Delhaize, Gomex, or Aman objects you see delicacies under their brand name, be known that ESCOM is behind them, because